The History of CELLFOOD
In 1946, Everett Storey, a man called 'a genius' by Albert Einstein, was engaged in an exhaustive process of exploring the fundamental laws of matter. He worked at creating a 'water-splitting' technology, a process which could cause oxygen and hydrogen to 'split' from one another and, in so doing, be released from water. In the darkness of the 1940's, the government asked Storey to give them his technology as a critical component in
the race to create a hydrogen bomb. Thankfully, the H-bomb was never utilized as a weapon.
A humanitarian and lover of life, Ev Storey vowed after the war to never again have anything to do with destruction of any kind. But after the war, Storey and his colleagues discovered a more personal crisis: they were dying of radiation poisoning, a result of their exposure while witnessing bomb tests. It was then that Storey developed the conceptual blueprint for CELLFOOD. He theorized that the very same water-splitting technology could be used to heal human life. By utilizing hydrogen's deuterium isotope and a blend of the required trace minerals, enzymes and amino acids, he would create a solution, an 'electromagnetic equation', that could release vital oxygen and hydrogen into his bloodstream, remove toxic radiation, nourish and rebuild his systems, and return him to health. It worked, and CELLFOOD was born. Saved by his very own invention, Storey lived a long, healthy and productive life. Over the next few decades, CELLFOOD's reputation as a superior health formulation continued to grow, and today is used and valued by leading health practitioners and clinics. CELLFOOD is now in its fifth decade of bringing health and healing to the world.
CELLFOOD�s Unique Make-Up
CELLFOOD is a proprietary ionic formula that contains 78 ionic minerals, 34 enzymes, 17 amino acids, electrolytes and dissolved oxygen and utilizes a unique water-splitting technology. It provides an unsurpassed oxygen and nutrient delivery system, and is absorbed quickly and efficiently by every cell in the body. CELLFOOD's unique structure oxygenates and feeds the cells, cleaning and tuning up the body's systems throughout the day. Cellfood is made from all-natural plant substances, and is yeast-free and gluten-free.
A well-known doctor said that there is really only one disease known to mankind, though it has a thousand names. It's the disease of too many toxins in the body and too few nutrients reaching the cells. CELLFOOD is the only product that addresses these two vital health issues at the same time, and with remarkable thoroughness.
CELLFOOD: A Remarkable Formulation
CELLFOOD is created by a proprietary nine month process in which these all-natural nutrient-rich plant substances are held in a negatively-charged suspension of deuterium (an isotope of hydrogen). The result is a remarkable formulation which, by utilizing the same technology used decades ago to split the atom, actually 'dissociates' (splits) water molecules within the body. This is achieved by weakening the bonding electrons, and gives birth to cascades of vital, life-giving oxygen. This newly-born oxygen, combined with an array of vital nutrients, is carried to every cell in the body, cleaning, toning and building the cells and tissues hour after hour, day after day. Since your body is over two-thirds water, this oxygen and hydrogen source is virtually unlimited.
How Does CELLFOOD Work?
When you mix CELLFOOD with water or juice, its proprietary water-splitting action begins the moment you take the first sip. This cascading timed-release of oxygen typically peaks within 8-12 hours, and then keeps working hour after hour. In partnership with the body's own natural intelligence, CELLFOOD releases oxygen whenever and wherever it's needed. If no longer needed, no more is released. Its essential natural minerals, enzymes, amino acids and electrolytes are delivered simultaneously throughout the body on the deepest cellular level.
CELLFOOD is a miracle of electromagnetic design. Since it is colloidal and negatively charged� just like the blood and lymph fluid, there is a natural synchronicity between these fluids. CELLFOOD moves through the cell walls easily, and its vital nutrients are absorbed and assimilated quickly and efficiently. And, it is a di-pole, di-base delivery system, delivering its nutrients to the cells and tissues under any conditions. (Di-pole means CELLFOOD is effective in any polarity range of the body; di-base means it's effective in any pH range and will tend to normalize the body's acid/base balance).Therefore, CELLFOOD is exceptional as an overall delivery system not only for its own nutrients, but for increasing cell-absorption (by as much as 3-5 times) of any other nutrients or substances
introduced into the body within the same 24 hour period. Notably, there is no known toxicity associated with CELLFOOD.
Importantly, CELLFOOD won't create free radical damage. Free radicals, believed to be a primary cause of aging and disease, are positively charged ions of oxygen. Since CELLFOOD's released oxygen molecules are negatively charged, they seek out and attract these dangerous free radicals, joining with them to form stabilized oxygen.
These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.
This product is not intended to prevent, treat or cure any disease.
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